
The 10 Most Expensive Bottled Waters in the World

Some people do not see a need to purchase bottled water at all, while other people think it is the only to drink. Drinking tap water, today, for some people, is just out of the question. But how much would you spend on a bottle off water? Bottled water at the typical grocery store or convenient store is just a couple of bucks, which is what most people will pay, while others will spend a bit more for a name they want, trust, and swear that it just tastes better than cheaper brands. If you have ever seen bottled water that costs more than you would pay, and think it is ridiculous to charge that much for water in a bottle, then you haven’t seen how expensive bottled water can really get. Keep reading to find out what the ten most expensive bottled waters are in the world.

10. Fine – $5 per 750ml

Fine bottled water hails from Japan and is naturally filtered through ancient volcanic rock from deep below Mount Fuji, to create a mineral-rich and completely pollutant-free water. It is pure and luxurious and never comes in contact with man-made pollutants that can taint the water like other spring waters that are from shallower springs. It is soft to the pallet and has a distinct, yet subtle flavor. The company made its debut in 2005 and has been bottling this high quality spring water since, charging $5 per 750ml, making it one of the most expensive bottled waters in the world.

9. Tasmanian Rain – $5 per 750ml

As you may suspect with a name like Tasmanian Rain, this bottled water is Australian and comes from the island of Tasmania. It is so pure, it falls from the sky, as rain water, and is bottled into sleek and stylish bottles. The rain water captured for your pleasure, falls from a sky where the air has been deemed as the cleanest in the world with only 17 parts per million of dissolved solids (impurities). The water never touches the ground and once bottled, it’s lightly infused with bubbles to make it delightfully soft and enjoyable. It is $5 per 750ml, for those who want extraordinarily healthy bottled water.

8. Lauquen Artes Mineral Water – $6 per 750ml

The Artesian Spring water that is known as Lauquen Artes Mineral water comes from a mountain-fed aquifer and is located near San Carlos Barilpoche, which is the southern most region of Argentina. The spring is 500 metres below the ground and is surrounded by 20 acres of untouched forest. The spring is under continuous pressure and is a constant temperature year round, of 4 degrees Celsius. This very low mineral water never comes in touch with the environment until it has been bottled and it sales for $6 per 750ml.

7. Aqua Deco – $12 per 750ml

The word deco means artsy and this is one of the most unique, artistic bottles you’ll find for water. The water that is held in this stylish bottle comes from an untouched, unspoiled springs in Canada. The water won the gold for being the best non-carbonated drinking water back in 2007 and it remains one of the favorite among water enthusiasts, selling for $12 per 750ml. It is one of the most expensive bottled waters in the world, selling mostly at high end restaurants, hotels and spas.

6. 10 Thousand BC – $14 per 750ml

Located off the coast of Canada is where the source for this exotic bottled water. The source is so far from human contamination and pollutants, that it is a three-day trip to reach the source, the Hat Mountain Glacier in British Columbia, Canada. The goal of the company was to be the first to create a product of bottled water, that came from a mountain glacier, and it succeeded with this very luxurious water that sells for $14 per 750ml. It is highly sophisticated, stylish and a world-class brand.

5. Veen – $23 per 750ml

Veen’s water hails from Finland, one of the purest and freshest waters in the entire world. The spring is located near the Finnish Lapland, just outside a small village called Tengelio. The water is naturally filtered through an ice age before reaching the Konisaajo natural spring, the natural arctic area of Finland, where it is collected. The water has been rated superior, with its smoothness and unusual ability to quench any thirst. It sells for $25 per 750ml.

4. Bling H2O – $40 per 750ml

Bling water gets bottled right where it comes from. the English Mountain Spring, which is located at the base of the Great Smoky Mountains of Tennessee. There is a 9-step purification process that is used in order to ensure the company’s award-winning taste equals their award-winning design. It is a highly sophisticated and delightfully refreshing water that is served at high-end restaurants, spas and is almost like popping open a bottle of expensive champagne when you break open a bottle of Bling. It’s so luxurious, it sells for $40 per 750ml.

3. Fillico – $219 per 750ml

If you love the game of chess, then you’ll recognize the look and design of Fillico’s uniquely designed bottles. They were cut to look like the King and Queen pieces of Chess, representing royalty. The glass bottles with Swarovski crystals are elegant, but the water is luxurious, too. The water that is in the bottles hails from a highly regarded spring in Kobe, Japan, known as Nunobiki and is used by a Sake producer in Kobe. This water is a high-priced water, selling for $219 per 750ml.

2. Kona Nigari Water – $402 per 750ml

Kona Nigari water is said to help you lose weight, energize you, and improve the quality of your skin. The water comes from a Hawaii Island, a thousand feet below the surface of the ocean. It is said to be more satisfying for quenching thirst, above other expensive bottled waters, and contains naturally occurring, deep ocean electrolytes. It is recommended by some of the most recognized dermatologists and fitness trainers and sells for $402 per 750ml; the second most expensive waters in the world.

1. Acqua di Cristallo Tributo a Modigliani – $60,000 Per 750ml

At $60,000 per 750ml, Acqua di Cristallo Tributo a Modigliani is the most expensive bottled water in all the world. The water comes from a natural springs in Fiji and France and has been bottled in a 24 karat gold bottle. The packaging is one of the most expensive parts of the water product, though it is said to have a distinct, tantalizing flavor and softness to the pallet that will impress even the biggest bottled water connoisseurs.


Maria McCutchen

Maria McCutchen is an author and freelance writer living in Chattanooga, TN. She is the publisher and author of her memoir, “It’s all in Your Head,” and a children’s book. She has been writing for over 15 years; writing articles, whitepapers, product write-ups and more for multiple online media sites, blogs, company websites and individuals. She is also an advocate for brain malformations, including Chiari Malformation, and works closely with the non-profit organization, The Chiari Project, writing for their quarterly newsletters.

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